Food Collection Challenge

Post date: Apr 4, 2014 9:19:11 PM

The Bureau Valley Buddy Bag program was able to collect over 700 items for their program.  We are hoping that the Princeton Elementary program can best that number.  As an incentive, we will donate to the playground fund if you can get over 700 items.  Food will be collected beginning  April 28-May 2.  A list of approved items is below.  You also can also see the list on our flyer here   

Needed Food Items Must be Individual Servings and Prepackaged


Canned meats, soups, and pasta (with pop tops):

Microwave Soups (including Ramen Noodles and Ramen Cups, etc.)

Pasta Cups (including Microwavable Mac N’ Cheese, Chef Boyardee, Spaghetti, Ravioli, etc.)

Vienna Sausages, Beanie Weenies, and Baked Beans

Chicken and Tuna Salad Kits, individually sealed with crackers


Fruits and juices:

Cups of applesauce, Fruit cups, 100% juice boxes (not pouches), etc.


Breakfast items:

Small boxed cereal, Breakfast bars and/or Pop Tarts, Milk boxes (shelf stable), etc.


Snacks (individual sized):

Raisins, Pudding or Jell-O cups, Pretzels and/or goldfish, Cheese crackers, Animal crackers, packaged cookies, etc