Buddy Bag September Fundraisers
Post date: Sep 13, 2012 4:02:31 AM
Buddy Bags has a number of fundraisers in the works for September. We are currently selling Casey's Partnership Cards for pizza and donuts only during the month of September. The pizza cards give you a free medium pizza with the purchase of a large specialty pizza and are $15. They are good for businesses, pizza-lovers, or college students and you can buy up to 3 large pizzas in one visit for a total of 6 pizzas. The donut card allows 6 free cake donuts with the purchase of 6 and is $10 dollars. Neither of the cards expire, so use them as quickly or as slowly as you would like.
We are also selling Pizza Hut buffet tickets for $9 for adults and $5 for kids 10 and under. That fundraiser will be on Sunday September 23 from 5-7. Please let someone working with Buddy Bags know if you are interested in supporting either fundraiser.